Electro-intensive Consumer Statute

The Royal Decree of the Statute of the Electro-intensive Consumers provides certain industrial companies with a legal and economic framework that provides security and certainty.

The Statute of the Electro-intensive Consumer is an industrial policy instrument that improves the competitiveness of the industry and favors industrial investment.

This is possible because it provides companies with new instruments that offer greater stability, security and certainty in the price of energy.

The Statute will benefit 612 companies of more than 60 industrial activities and some 300,000 workers.

Therefore, the Compensatory Aids for indirect CO2 emission costs and the Spanish Reserve Fund for Guarantees for Electro-intensive Entities will represent a new legal framework at the service of industry.

The main objectives of the Statute are to provide electro-intensive consumers with a legal and economic framework for electricity supply.

This will help mitigate the adverse effects of high energy costs and will enhance:

-The competitiveness of industry.
-Economic growth.
-The generation of quality employment.

To obtain the status of electro-intensive consumer, the annual energy consumption of the company must be greater than 1 GWh. This annual consumption will be during two of the three previous years.

The consumption in the hours corresponding to the off-peak tariff period must be at least 50% of the total energy consumed.

At Bettergy we are specialists in energy efficiency and renewables.

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