R+D+i projects

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We innovate to improve your energy.

Applied Research

From its inception, Bettergy has consistently prioritized Research and Innovation as growth drivers. In recent years, the company has received various awards at both the European and national levels.

Bettergy consistently invests a portion of its annual profits in applied research and has been awarded significant R&D projects in recent years that require public-private partnership contributions.

R&D&I Projects

Participating in an R&D&I program is a long and resource-intensive process for the company. The journey begins with the initial application and ends with the final project justification. Along the way, there is a lot of effort, commitment, and enthusiasm from a multidisciplinary team with extensive experience in the energy sector.

Our approach to new technological challenges is deeply practical, as we direct our research, development, and innovation efforts towards the creation of new products or services that incorporate the scientific and technical knowledge generated during the project. The ultimate goal is to provide our clients with cutting-edge technological solutions that are highly competitive in today’s market.

At Bettergy, we have successfully implemented numerous R&D&I projects and continue to work on new technological innovation challenges aligned with the future of the industry.

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