QuimansaITW is a company specialized in manufacturing and commercializing chemical products, offering customized solutions for industrial maintenance, hygiene solutions, and water treatment.
In 2021, Quimsa entrusted Bettergy with the installation of a collective self-consumption photovoltaic system on the roof of their facilities located in Málaga. The installation includes a total of 68 photovoltaic panels and 2 DC to AC inverters, with an installed capacity of 36 kW.
Thanks to this service, data has been obtained showing that the photovoltaic installation allowed for a savings of 3,059 kWh/month, representing 28.41% of the monthly consumption in 2022. Additionally, the electricity bill was reduced by 1,477.74 euros/month, a reduction of 42.20%.
Bettergy has an expert Energy Management Services team, which continuously advises Quimsa on improvements in energy efficiency and management.
Through the service provided by Bettergy, two notable achievements have been made:
- Reduction in grid electricity consumption: thanks to the energy generated by the photovoltaic installation. This resulted in a 28.41% savings in grid energy consumption.
- Reduction in energy costs: thanks to energy management efforts.
Dentro del alcance del servicio mencionado anteriormente se destacan:
- Negociación del precio de la energía que permite disminuir en un 42,20% los precios de compra a comercializadoras.
- Asesoramiento en materia de ayudas, 50 newsletters de subvenciones en eficiencia energética enviadas.
- Optimización de potencia contratada para ajustarse a crecimiento en consumo. Supondría un ahorro del 3,4% para una energía eléctrica (kWh) similar.
El servicio de Gestión Energética incluye trabajos como:
- Compra de Energía.
- Gestión de bajas/altas con comercializadora.
- Asesoramiento en la venta de excedentes de la instalación.
- Asesoramiento en la negociación del precio de los excedentes.
- Validación y reclamación de facturas eléctricas.
Within the scope of the service mentioned above, the following are highlighted:
- Negotiation of energy prices, allowing a 42.20% reduction in purchase prices from energy suppliers.
- Advice on available grants, with 50 newsletters on energy efficiency subsidies sent.
- Optimization of contracted power to match growth in consumption, which would result in a 3.4% savings for similar electricity (kWh) usage.
The Energy Management service includes tasks such as:
- Energy Procurement.
- Management of cancellations/registrations with energy suppliers.
- Advice on the sale of surplus energy from the installation.
- Guidance on negotiating the price of surplus energy.
- Validation and claims of electricity invoices.

Bettergy monitoriza, gestiona y asesora continuamente a Quimsa en los consumos de energía. Además, se analizan los consumos y se elaboran estudios de mejora del desempeño energético de la instalación.