The Energy Audit: requirements and advantages

The energy audit meets a series of requirements that must be taken into account.


Royal Decree 56/2016 establishes the obligation to carry out energy audits every four years for those companies or groups of companies with more than 250 employees or with a turnover greater than 50 million and a balance sheet greater than 43 million euros.

Companies that fail to comply with the requirements of RD 56/2016, will be sanctioned in accordance with the provisions of Law 18/2014, approving urgent measures for growth, competitiveness and efficiency with an amount of up to €60,000.

Technical characteristics

  • The energy audit will be based on updated and measured operational data: energy consumption (electricity, gas, etc.).
  • The energy audit will cover a detailed examination of the energy consumption profile of buildings, facilities, vehicle fleets, etc.
  • The energy audit will be based on life cycle cost analysis rather than simple payback periods.
  • The energy audit will provide a reliable picture of the overall energy performance and the most significant opportunities for improvement.

The advantages.

  • In an investment grade Energy Audit, and always depending on the client’s needs, you can go into detail to calculate the cost of the energy needed to produce the main unit products (for benchmarking).
  • Further improvements to be implemented can be defined.
  • Energy costs are optimized by detecting anomalies or incorrect electricity invoices made by the supplier.
  • The purchase of energy involves comparing the costs of electricity supplies between different suppliers on an annual basis.

Energy audits, together with subsequent advice and management, make it possible to determine which consumer equipment is critical, which consumption habits need to be corrected and which are the improvement measures that will improve the way energy is consumed in the facilities.

  • Positive impact generated by reducing production costs and at the same time improving business competitiveness,
  • Rationalization and optimization of energy consumption in production processes.
  • The elaboration of an ‘x-ray’ of the facilities, to obtain the appropriate recommendations.

Benefits of being advised through an energy services company
Having the experience of energy services companies, such as Bettergy, is a plus of guarantee for companies. Not only for their services but also to implement the suggested measures, with the best agreed prices.

Its objective: savings and guarantee the correct functioning of the installations, committing itself to charge only the agreed prices, no matter what it costs to provide the service.

Bettergy has an experience of more than 2,000 installations audited according to the European Directive 27/2012 and RD 56/2016.

In addition, the legislation is going to require those facilities of a certain size to designate an “energy manager”, who must have among its functions to track consumption, carry out energy accounting or develop programs to improve the energy efficiency of the facility, among other tasks.

Bettergy is an approved and registered company to perform energy audits, as well as a collaborating company with associations such as A3e.

Our outsourcing service provides you with a specialized technician who is dedicated to provide you with PERMANENT advice on everything related to the energy management of your facility.

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