Photovoltaic Solar Installation Do you want to be part of the change?

The Photovoltaic Solar Installation allows you to produce clean energy, contributing to the improvement of the environment and saving money.

At Bettergy we plan, build, operate and finance off-grid and grid-connected photovoltaic systems. In addition, we are specialists in all the products necessary for installations: photovoltaic modules and inverters.

What advantages does photovoltaic solar energy have?

  • It is one of the cleanest energies due to its low carbon impact.
  • It is easy to install, through modules and adapts to your needs.
  • Saving money since the plates start working.
  • You are the owner of your energy.
What do we do at Bettergy?

We take care of everything:

  • Interlocution with public administrations, certification in procedures, monitoring, communication and support in telematic processing.
  • Our team has extensive experience in photovoltaic projects in the province of Malaga, in the rest of Andalusia, Spain and internationally.
  • Furthermore, thanks to Energysequence technology we are able to define the photovoltaic generation potential of our clients in just minutes, we monitor the Plant and track savings and financial profitability of the investment.

Turnkey project management.

We integrate the entire product chain to guarantee quality and safety to the customer.

  • We advise: Supply of equipment and materials. Total analysis of possibilities.
  • We design: Installation and start-up. Proposal most appropriate to your needs.
  • We install: Legalization and administrative procedures. Most favorable economic solution.
  • We monitor: Total management in real time. Control of the activity and productivity of photovoltaic panels.

Asesórate con expertos

Si quieres conocer más detalles sobre la instalación fotovoltaica o de puntos de recarga, en Bettergy podemos ayudarte en el 952 025 789 / 651 46 87 26 o por correo a través de

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