Energy services in the mining sector with MATSA

Bettergy has conducted an energy audit for MATSA, one of the two major copper mines currently in Spain.

Building upon the most rigorous energy analyses, we offer a suite of digital services through our platform that enables our clients to save money, time, and energy.

The work carried out by the Bettergy team at the MATSA Mines plant located in Huelva, with a capacity to process 4.6 million tons of ore annually, has allowed us to analyze issues in electrical supply, the breakdown of major consumption points, and the identification of measures to enhance the organization’s energy performance.

The equivalent of the energy consumption of 90,000 households has been audited, resulting in savings exceeding €200,000.

Simultaneously, proposals have been designed to enhance supply security and network capacity, crucial aspects in industries with intensive production where production continuity is critical.

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